VI Congreso Internacional de Fisioterapia y Dolor

Carlos Goicoechea

Carlos Goicoechea

Carlos Goicoechea holds a degree in Biological Sciences from San Pablo - CEU University and Complutense University of Madrid, and a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Complutense University of Madrid. Currently, he serves as the Coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Research and Treatment of Pain i+DoL Group, a Professor of Pharmacology, and an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at Rey Juan Carlos University.


The immune system is a system specialized in protecting the body against external threats to help maintain health and prevent confinement. This is the definition that we have all heard before or later at some point in our training. However, in chronic pain, evidence demonstrates the relationship between the activation of the immune system and increased pain, even confirming it. Has the system lost its protective function? Is it a biological error? Is there any other system that regulates the immune system? Can you tell us that this system is immune to the only one involved in this confirmation process? This talk reviews some of the possible explanations for this paradox.